The Wellness CEO

aka ~Nature Lover ~Adventurer

~ Modern Day Medicine Woman

~Wild Hearted Woman Living a WholeHearted Life

Hi, I'm Debs...

A thirty-something year old woman who believes there’s more to life than just existing.

I believe we are here to experience life in it’s fullness. With all of it’s rollercoaster up’s and down’s, glorious highs and painful lows.

Working within the self development and wellness industries for over 18 years, I see the cost of a life unlived all too often.

After years of trying to fit a mould that isn’t really me, I’m now on a mission to walk my talk and follow my wild heart in order to live a truly WholeHearted Life.

Join me for adventures, challenges and hopefully a bit of inspiration along the way 🙂

From zero to ultramarathon in 8 weeks!

Embracing no limits as a beginner runner

From 100 hour working weeks to travelling Europe

Join me on my van life journey

From burnout to living free and abundant

My own healing journey from trauma

WholeHearted Living Institute
WholeHearted Living in Action
Expat Living in Italy
Latest News
I'm proud to embrace my WholeHearted life by living my multi-faceted, multi-passionate full self.

I'm here to share with you what's possible and guide you on your own WholeHearted Living journey.

Click the buttom below to find all the latest news about all of the different projects I am involved with that fill my heart and soul...

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an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

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